Tuesday, December 13, 2011

ऊपभोक्ता बजार (Consumer market)

जुन बजारमा ऊपभोगको लागि वस्तुको खरिद तथा बिक्री हुन्छ, सो बजारलाई ऊपभोक्ता बजार भनिन्छ।अर्को शब्दमा भन्ने हो भने अन्तिम ऊपभोक्ताहरूको कुल माग नै ऊपभोक्ता बजार हो।कुनै परिवार विशेष तथा व्यक्ती बिशेषले प्रयोगमा ल्याउने वस्तुलाई ऊपभोक्त भ्निन्छ।खाद्दान्न, कपडा, रेडियो, टिभी, आदी ऊपभोक्ता वस्तु हुन। यिनै वस्तु को बजारलाई ऊपभोक्त बजार भनिन्छ। ऊपभोक्ता बजार ज्यादै बिस्त्रित हुन्छ। त्यसैले यस्लाई बिभिन्न आधारमा वर्गिकरण गरिन्छ। जस्ताइ: धर्म, शिक्षा, उमेर, क्रयसक्ती, लिङ्ग, जाती, पेसा, शहरीकरण, क्रय व्यव्हार, क्रय उदेश्य आदी कुरले ऊपभोक्तआ बजारलाई प्रत्क्ष्य प्रभाव पर्छ। त्यसैले बजारशास्त्रीहरूले ऊपभोक्ताका यस्ता कुराहरुमा राम्रो सँग अधयन तथा विश्लेषण  गर्नु पर्दछ। ऊपभोक्ता बजार खण्डिकरण्का आधारहरू

१- भौगोलिक तत्व(Geographical variables)
                                                  २- जनसंख्या तत्व (Demographic variables )

                                                  ३- मनोवैज्ञानीक तत्व (Psychological variables)

                                                  ४- व्यवहाँरगत तत्व (Behavioral variables) 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Different types of Market

1.     On the basis of area
Local Market
Regional Market
National Market
World Market
2.       On the basis of time
Very short period Market
Short period Market
Long period market
Very long period Market
3.       On the basis of volume of Business
Wholesale Market
Retail Market

4.       On the basis of delivery
Spot Market
Future Market
5.       On basis of rule or regulation
Regulated Market
Unregulated Market
6.       On the basis of competition
Perfect Market
Imperfect Market
Monopoly Market
7.       On the basis of nature of product
Commodity Market
Financial Market

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Marketing Concept

A concept is the overall idea or structure of something and marketing is how a product is moved through a channel to reach its target consumer. A marketing concept embraces the philosophy that good marketing strategy always has the needs and wants of the target market in mind. Marketing concepts are formed as creative approaches to the problem of how to get a product needed and desired by a group of consumers to be selected and purchased by this group. The crux of good marketing is being able to communicate the benefits of the products to consumers so that they will choose the product over competitors' offerings.

Awareness of the competition is a crucial consideration when developing a marketing concept for a particular product. For example, two companies could produce canned stew that is very close in price, but if one company communicates its product better in terms of convincing potential purchasers that its brand is the better choice, that product sells better than the competitor's. In order to do that, the marketing concept has to focus on the product’s unique selling proposition (USP).

Friday, August 19, 2011




The Sales & Marketing Management module handles three important aspects.
Customer Relationship Management, Sales transaction processing and post sales issue.
The Infrastructure Monitoring and Management System(IMMS) can emulate two different models.
A single sales office operation and Central sales office operations with branch level operations.
Customer database holds key information about customer contact details, preferences and relevant information.
Mass mailing, direct e-mail support, Electronic Folder are all linked to customer inquiries.
Sales transaction processing starts with Inquiry Management.
Follow-up details are stored which also have links to standard word processor, spreadsheet and presentation program.
Quotations are also linked to follow-up. Orders are booked and accepted through IMMS.
When orders are despatched the checklist is made and compared with order.
In post sales phase, installation and commissioning, service and spares sales and spares inventory is handled.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011



मार्केटिङ भनेको त्यस्तो कुरा हो, जुनसुकै कम्पनी, ट्रेडिङ अफिस वा अन्य ब्यवसायिक संस्थाहरुको लागि तरवारको धार, सियोको टुप्पो र बन्दुकको गोली जस्तै हो । मार्केटिङमा सामान्यतया चार कुरा मह्त्वपूर्ण हुन्छ । वस्तु, मूल्य, ठाउँ र प्रबर्धन । मार्केटिङको उद्देश्य भनेको कुनै किसिमका वस्तुलाई त्यस वस्तुको सही क्रेता समक्ष पुरयाउनु हो । क्रेता समक्ष पुरयाउनको लागि अपनाइने सूत्रहरु जस्तै बिक्री, सार्वजनिक सम्बन्ध, मूल्य,प्याकिङ, बितिरण, सेमिनार, ट्रेड सो, आदी । 

तपाईं मार्केटिङ गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ भने, तपाईंमा सहनीयपन अनिवार्य हुन जान्छ । क्रेतामा तपाईंको प्रभाव पर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ, वार्तालाप गर्ने क्षमता र सही क्रेता छान्न ढिलाई गर्नु हुँदैन । तपाईंसँग वस्तु विवरण पर्याप्त मात्रामा हुनुपर्छ । 

मार्केटिङको कुनै सूत्र हुँदैन तर लक्ष्य बिना मार्केटिङ गर्न सकिदैन । मार्केटिङमा जे जुक्ति लगाउनु हुन्छ, त्यस्मा तपाईं आँफै विश्वशत हुनुहोस्। एुटै वस्तुलाई फरक फरक तरिकाले बिक्री गर्न सकिन्छ। तपाईंको एुटा मात्र फरक बिचारले अथवा नयाँ कुराले क्रेता तपाईंको वस्तु किन्न तयार हुन्छ।

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What is a marketing ?

 What exactly is marketing and why is it important to you as an entrepreneur? Simply stated, marketing is everything you do to place your product or service in the hands of potential customers.
 It includes diverse disciplines like sales, public relations, pricing, packaging, and distribution. In order to distinguish marketing from other related professional services, S.H. Simmons, author and humorist, relates this anecdote.
 "If a young man tells his date she's intelligent, looks lovely, and is a great conversationalist, he's saying the right things to the right person and that's marketing. If the young man tells his date how handsome, smart and successful he is -- that's advertising. If someone else tells the young woman how handsome, smart and successful her date is -- that's public relations."
 You might think of marketing this way. If business is all about people and money and the art of persuading one to part from the other, then marketing is all about finding the right people to persuade.
 Marketing is your strategy for allocating resources (time and money) in order to achieve your objectives ( a fair profit for supplying a good product or service).
 Yet the most brilliant strategy won't help you earn a profit or achieve your wildest dreams if it isn't built around your potential customers. A strategy that isn't based on customers is rather like a man who knows a thousand ways to make love to a woman, but doesn't know any women. Great in  theory but unrewarding in practice.
 If you fit the classic definition of an entrepreneur (someone with a great idea who's under-capitalized), you may think marketing is something you do later -- after the product is developed, manufactured, or ready to sell.
 Though it may feel counter-intuitive, marketing doesn't begin with a great idea or a unique product. It begins with customers -- those people who want or need your product and will actually buy it.
 Entrepreneurs are in love with their ideas, and they should be. After all, why would anyone commit their energy, life savings, and no small part of their sanity to anything less than a consuming passion. Because entrepreneurs are passionate about their idea, product, or service, they innocently assume other people will feel the same. Here's the bad news -- it just doesn't work that way!
 People have their own unique perceptions of the world based on their belief system. The most innovative ideas, the greatest products, or a superior service succeed only when you market within the context of people's perceptions.
 Context can be many things, singly or simultaneously. To name a few, you may market to your customers within the context of their wants, needs, problems solved, or situation improved. Entrepreneurs need to be aware of many other contexts, such as social and economic trends or governmental regulations, which we'll discuss another time.
 People don't just "buy" a product. They "buy" the concept of what that product will do for them, or help them do for themselves. People who are overweight don't join a franchise diet center to eat pre-packaged micro-meals. They "buy" the concept of a new, thin, happy and successful self.
 Before you become consumed with entrepreneurial zeal and invest your life savings in a new venture, become a smart marketer. Take time at the beginning to discover who your potential customers are, and how to effectively reach them.
 Without a plan, your entrepreneurial dream is really wishful thinking. While a marketing plan can be a map for success, remember that the map is not the territory. A strategy that ignores the customer isn't an accurate reflection of the landscape.
 A good marketing plan can help you focus your energy and resources. But a plan created in a vacuum, based solely on your perceptions, does not advance the agenda. That's why market research, however simple or sophisticated, is important.
 Just keep in mind that research attempts to predict the future by studying the past. It reveals what people have done, and extrapolates what people might do -- not what people will do.
 Planning is imperative, research is important, but there's no substitute for entrepreneurial insight. After all, as Mark Twain wrote, "You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus".